Book Review: A Cloud of Faithful Witness, Leading to the Heavenly Canaan by William Perkins

Dr. Allen
October 6, 2021

Are you preaching anytime soon on Hebrews 11, the great hall of fame of faith chapter in the Bible? Then don’t miss the excellent commentary on Hebrews 11 by the great Puritan expositor and theologian, William Perkins (1558-1602). From 1584 until his death, he was the pastor at Great Saint Andrew’s Church in Cambridge.

Book Review: Resilient Ministry by Bob Burns, Tasha Chapman, and Donald Guthrie

Jordan LaBry
February 4, 2025

Resilient Ministry stems from a pastor’s summit in which pastors gathered together and discussed and encouraged one another in life and ministry in order to discuss how to survive and thrive in ministry, staying resilient in a vocation that can be very difficult.

Just Do Something: A Liberating Approach to Finding God’s Will by Kevin DeYoung

Aaron Allen
December 8, 2024

As a pastor to young married couples and to young adult singles, I receive a myriad of questions concerning God. For most young adults, they want to know how God relates to their own lives. In that vein of thought, one of the most pressing questions for young adults is “How can I know God’s will for my life?” In fact, this question was becoming so prevalent within the ministry that I ended up buying a book for us all to go through together. That book was called Just Do Something by Kevin DeYoung.

Book Review: Four Views on Divine Providence (by Various Authors)

Aaron Allen
December 8, 2024

One of the main themes of the film is mankind trying to find “their place in the stars”. This is a scientific question that mankind has asked for centuries: “Where do we fit?” However, in theological circles, a major question still today is “What is God’s place in the stars?”

Book Review: Dangerous Calling by Paul David Tripp

Aaron Allen
December 8, 2024

All throughout the book, author Paul Tripp reminds us pastors that our sermons are not just for our people. Indeed, God intends to change us first before he changes our congregations. To ensure that we do not fall prey to the same sinful disasters as many of our fellow pastors and brothers in the faith have recently, we need to preach to ourselves the same gospel that we preach to our people.

Book Review: The Storied Life by Jared C. Wilson

Jarrod Thomas
November 6, 2024

Wilson inspires those who are writers to write with the goal of worshiping God. This book is not just written for the pastor but for those who are serious about endeavoring to be writers.

Book Review: Pastor Well by Hershael W. York

Klayton Carson
August 21, 2024

York handles six areas on how to "pastor well." He addresses how to start well, how to preach well, how to lead well, how to shepherd well, how to love well, and how to finish well. In each section, he answers a number of questions that all answer the overarching topic of "How to pastor well."

Book Review: A Tale of Three Kings: A Study in Brokenness by Gene Edwards

Klayton Carson
August 21, 2024

In A Tale of Three Kings: A Study in Brokenness, Gene Edwards writes an allegorical retelling of David's experience with Saul and Absalom and how David's character led him to be unlike the other two kings.