William Perkins, A Cloud of Faithful Witness, Leading to the Heavenly Canaan
Randall J. Pederson and Ryan Hurd, editors. Vol 3 in The Works of William Perkins. Grand Rapids: Reformation Heritage Books, 2017.
Are you preaching anytime soon on Hebrews 11, the great hall of fame of faith chapter in the Bible? Then don’t miss the excellent commentary on Hebrews 11 by the great Puritan expositor and theologian, William Perkins (1558-1602). From 1584 until his death, he was the pastor at Great Saint Andrew’s Church in Cambridge.
Perkins was one of the most influential early Puritans and one of their most prodigious and prolific writers. His 10 volume collected works are available through Reformation Heritage Books. Volume 3 is his commentary on Hebrews 11, published in 2017. Though technically a commentary, each chapter was originally a sermon later transcribed and placed in commentary form.
The genius of Perkins was his ability to take theology and make it applicable to the needs of daily life. Perkins preaching was generally expository in nature. In fact, he wrote one of the most famous books on preaching in church history: The Art of Prophesying. His preaching was so popular that he drew large crowds from the surrounding territory. These sermons on Hebrews 11 still make interesting reading and are helpful for pastors today. His style is simple and plain. He explains the meaning of the text and then makes application to the church. His many illustrations are drawn from everyday life.
Here are 400 pages worth your time and worthy of your consideration when you preach through Hebrews 11. Your sermons on this chapter of Hebrews will be enhanced by Perkins!
David L. Allen