The following are authors and commentary recommendations. These notes are in conjunction with a recent Preaching Coach podcast episode How To Choose and Use Commentaries. This is not an exhaustive list. These are highlights of people you ought to read.
Figures in Church History to Read if Time Allows
- John Chrysostom
- Augustine of Hippo
- Origin
- Martin Luther
- John Calvin
- Puritan Preachers
- John Wesley
- Charles Spurgeon
- Martyn Lloyd-Jones
- John Stott
Commentary or Sermon Series
- Charles Simeon – Expository Sermon Outlines
- Alexander Maclaren – Expositions of Holy Scripture
- G Campbell Morgan – Westminster Pulpit
- James Montgomery Boice
- Kent Hughes – Preaching the Word Series
- John Phillips – Commentary Series
- Warren W. Wiersbe – be series or Bible Exposition Commentary
- Baker Old Testament and New Testament Exegetical Commentary
- The Bible Knowledge Commentary
- The Bible Speaks Today
- The Concordia Commentary Series
- The Expositors Bible Commentary Series & Revised
- The Exegetical Guides to The Greek New Testament
- The IVP New Testament Commentary
- The New American Commentary Series
- The New International Commentary on the Old Testament and New Testament
- The NIV Application Commentary Series
- The Pillar New Testament Series
- The Tyndall Commentary Series
- The Word Biblical Commentary Series
- The Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament
- The Big Greek Idea Series
- Lexham Press – The Evangelical Exegetical Commentary Series
- The Summer Institute of Linguistic Commentary Summaries
- Kerux Commentaries by Kregel
- The Story of God Commentary
List of Commentary Surveys
- Cyril J. Barber – The Minister’s Library
- Kenneth L. Barker, Bruce K. Waltke – Bibliography for Old Testament Exegesis and Exposition 3rd edition
- David R. Bauer – An Annotated Guide to Biblical Resources for Ministry
- D.A. Carson – New Testament Survey
- Brevards S. Childs – Old Testament Books for Pastors and Teachers
- Frederick W. Danker – Multipurpose Tools for Bible Study
- John F. Evans – A Guide To Biblical Commentaries and Reference Works
- Joseph A. Fitzmyer – An Introductory Bibliography for the Study of Scripture
- John Glynn - Commentary and Reference Survey: A Comprehensive Guide to Biblical and Theological Resources
- Kregel Publishing - A Classic Bible Study Library for Today
- Tremper Longman III – Old Testament Commentary Survey
- Ralph P. Martin - New Testament Books for Pastor and Teacher
- Douglas Moo - An Annotated Bibliography on the Bible and the Church
- Jim Rosscup – Commentaries for Biblical Expositors
- David M. Scholer - A Basic Bibliographic Guide for New Testament Exegesis
- Wilbur Smith – Profitable Bible Study
- Charles Spurgeon – commenting and commentaries
- Douglas K. Stuart - A Guide to Selecting and Using Bible Commentaries
- Warren W. Wiersbe – A Basic Library for Bible Students