I have served as pastor over students at Brownsville Baptist Church in Brownsville, TN, since July of 2023. Unless you are a BBQ connoisseur who has visited Ms. Helen’s BBQ, you have likely never been to Brownsville. Although I grew up 45 minutes away in Memphis, I had not been, either, before accepting this position. Brownsville is a rural, tight-knit community of just around 10,000 in the greater area. Yet, there are currents of change that will soon electrify this small town. Ford’s largest automobile plant, Blue Oval City, is being built in Haywood County, of which Brownsville is the county seat. Blue Oval City will bring an estimated 80,000-plus people to the area over the next decade. Part of my calling to serve as pastor over students at this local church is to aid in preparing the saints to do the work of the ministry that such a population increase will demand of them.

Though there are tremors of this influx of souls that is soon to come, that coming reality is not the present reality of my ministry here.In fact, one thing that I have come to realize is that even if 80,000 new people do not move to the area, there is still plenty of ministry to be done here and now. In Haywood County, there are painfully high rates of domestic violence, teen pregnancy, and gang activity. Much of my time as a pastor over students is spent counseling and discipling youth with stable home lives, as well as those who come from abusive situations. This is a slow and tedious work, especially when placed in the context of a small town.

The Lord has focused my attention much on the ministry of Isaiah the prophet. Though Isaiah knew that numerical success would not be a mark of his ministry, he chose to instead find contentment in defining success as faithfulness to God’s calling and His Word. It is even in Isaiah’s book that we find the promise of the sufficiency and efficacy of God’s Word. In Isaiah 55:11 (CSB), the Lord states: “My word that comes from My mouth will not return to Me empty, but it will accomplish what I please and will prosper in what I send it to do.” This is the promise that all ministers of God’s Word must hold on to. Whether dealing with contentious deacons in a small-town church, counseling the hurting in a mega-church, sharing the Word at the bedside of an ill member, or comforting a hurting child of abuse, God’s Word is sufficient and will accomplish what He pleases.

Aaron Russell

Pastor over Students and Communications,

Brownsville Baptist Church