At the age of 4, I was confident of two things. I wanted to be a mom, and I wanted to be a teacher. My favorite pastime was lining up all my dolls and playing school. Little did I know God was equipping me and placing a calling upon my life.  

As I grew older, I served in any children’s or nursery class needing help. This continued through my high school and college years. I loved children and knew that the Lord had placed the desire to teach within my heart.  

Upon graduating from college, I began teaching kindergarten. I taught ‘the littles’ for 10 years, then graduated to teaching second grade. I loved being in the classroom, making a difference, and seeing firsthand when a child was able to blend sounds into words, the precursor to reading. 

In 2003, my dream of becoming a mom came true. After being in the classroom for 12 years, my responsibilities had changed from teacher to mom, and my heart was full. I felt my calling was now to be a stay-at-home mom, an intentional one, pouring into our son and following the Deuteronomy 6:6-7 command, “These words that I am giving you today are to be in your heart. Repeat them to your children. Talk about them when you sit in your house and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”

When our son was 5, we moved to Sunnyvale, Texas. We quickly found a church home and plugged into Sunday school and church, knowing God had brought us to Sunnyvale First Baptist Church. I loved helping our son learn scriptures for Awanas and the disciplines of bringing his Bible and an offering to class each week, but, most importantly, helping him foster a relationship with the Lord. 

t was a hot July morning in the summer of 2015 when I received a phone call from my Pastor. He asked if I would consider working part time in the children’s ministry. After prayerfully considering his offer and talking it over with my husband, I asked our son for his thoughts. He quickly replied, “Mom, you said the most important thing in the world was to tell people about Jesus. You have to take the job.” That was the last confirmation I needed. Within two weeks, I was on staff as a children’s ministry associate. That was nine years ago. I became the children’s ministry director after a few years and absolutely love how the Lord orchestrated His plans in my life. 

Children’s ministry was not at all like teaching school or raising a child. I had so much to learn. It was not just about snacks, crafts, singing songs, and learning the lesson of the week. My philosophy of children’s ministry has evolved through the years. Ultimately, the responsibility I have is to teach children that to truly follow the Lord means having a relationship with Him and living a life in obedience to Him. A few years ago after Sunday school, I overheard a parent asking their child if they would like to go to “big church” or home to play video games. We live in an era when kids are given choices, but ultimately, God gave children parents, and not every decision should be a choice. Unfortunately, in children’s ministry, we often see parents who view the responsibility of spiritual education as belonging to the church. I still have so much to learn but am assured the Lord will continue to teach, guide, and equip me as I continue to trust in Him. 

At the tender age of 4, the Lord, in His providence, gifted me the desire to work with children. Although it has evolved from teen helper to teacher; mom to children’s ministry director, I am grateful I have been afforded the opportunity and understand that it comes with great responsibility.  When I become overwhelmed in the midst of ministry, I am reminded of what Psalm 37:23-24 says. “A person's steps are established by the LORD, and he takes pleasure in his way. Though he falls, he will not be overwhelmed, because the LORD supports him with his hand.” I want to encourage you that although you may find yourself in a completely different environment than you ever imagined, you are never alone. How wonderful it is to be assured that God will order our steps as we continue to seek His will for our lives. 

Kimberly Dortch

Children’s Ministry Director

Sunnyvale First Baptist Church