I have always loved Thanksgiving, for so many reasons. First, I love Thanksgiving because of the historical meaning of it for us as Americans. When those early settlers, including their new found Indian friends, stopped to give thanks to God for all He had done for them, a very important tradition was birthed. Second, I love Thanksgiving because of the family meaning for us as Americans. Thanksgiving time is usually a special time for families to gather together. In childhood, Thanksgiving dinner was always eaten at grandmother’s house. For me, it was a day of being with family around the table, going hunting in the afternoon, and returning home from the woods at dusk to the lights in the windows of my grandparents’ house. Third, and most importantly, I love Thanksgiving because of what it means to Christians. Christians are the only ones who celebrate Thanksgiving every day of the year; at least they should. Thanksgiving is just that: giving thanks to our God for all His blessings. Just like the cornucopia is full at the Thanksgiving season, so God’s cornucopia of blessings to us is full — and we should give Him thanks for who He is and what He has done.

Happy Thanksgiving!

David L. Allen